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DECEMBER 28, 2023
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Initiative Filed To Repeal Long Term Care Benefits For More Than 3 Million Working Washingtonians

Olympia, WA: A mega-millionaire’s self-funded campaign just filed an initiative to the legislature (I-2124)  that would in effect repeal WA Cares, a long-term care benefit for more than 3 million working Washingtonians.

In just 31 months, WA Cares Funds will be available to working Washingtonians should they need help with daily living activities as they age or experience a debilitating car accident, cancer or pregnancy complications.

WA Cares is widely supported by health and services organizations like AARP Washington, MS Society, Lupus Foundation, Alzheimer’s Association, Washington Health Care Association, and other members of the We Care For WA Cares coalition.

Jessica Gomez, campaign manager of We Care For WA Cares, said:

“Millions of working Washingtonians are counting on the WA Cares Fund to help pay for their care in case of injury, illness, or age. By effectively repealing WA Cares, this initiative would force workers to choose between depleting their savings to qualify for Medicaid, or betting on long-term care insurance only the wealthiest can afford.”

70% of us will wind up needing long-term care—like help with meals, chores, and daily tasks – at some point in our lives as a result of an injury, illness, disease or the normal challenges that can come with age. If this initiative passes, working Washingtonians will no longer have access to an affordable guaranteed benefit they can tap to help pay for home care, home modifications, and other long-term care support when they need it. The vast majority of workers can’t afford private long term care insurance, or would be denied a policy because they have a pre-existing condition, according to this analysis.

Julie Sparkman, a working mother in the Spokane area expressed her disappointment about the attack on WA Cares: 

“Two years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. I’ve been working since I was young and had never been really sick in my life. A diagnosis is enough to deal with by itself. When you add the financial stress of lost income and no way to pay for care, the stress skyrockets. WA Cares will be a game changer in the years ahead when we face the inevitable challenges life throws our way, and I am so disappointed to see anti-worker special interests try to take it away.”

More information about WA Cares for reporters.
